Monday, June 27, 2011

Canada Post Debate Fact Check

It was one of the longest filibusters in the history of Canada's House of Commons, but Bill C-6, An Act to provide for the resumption and continuation of postal services, is now the law of the land.
As ever, debate on the bill was intense as well as prolonged. But how much of the argument was based on fact? I'll be looking at five statements from each of the official parties in the House that I feel needs some verification.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Reaction to First Republican Debate

Seven candidates for the Republican nomination for President of the United States squared off in Manchester NH tonight.  New Hampshire is the first state to hold a primary contest for this office, and the second (after Iowa) to hold any presidential nominating contest.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Canadian Constitution Wish List

The Canadian Press and Harris-Decima released a poll last week suggesting that a majority of Canadians would be willing to open up the Constitution for certain purposes, including Senate reform, electoral reform, and finally getting Québec's signature on it.  However, as we have seen many times in the past, constitutional changes can be messy, as it requires the approval of at least 7 provinces representing 50% of the population, and there will certainly be disagreements.

So if we were to open up the Constitution, here are five things I'd want to see: